Governors' Area

Junior Online Safety Officers (JOSOs)

Published: 23rd January 2025

Each year, we select children from Year 5 to be e-safety ambassadors. The LSCB provides several training sessions and sets challenges over the course of the year for the JOSOs to complete and help spread the word about keeping safe online.

Congratulations to our newly appointed JOSOs Desi, Leighla and Harry.

They’ve worked hard this week to create a few sentences to introduce themselves. These were presented to all classes:

Hi we are JOSOs. We are in year 5 and we have come up with an idea of meeting some of your classmates and if they have any worries or questions about online safety, we will try our best to answer or help. As we are your new JOSOs we have come up with a new motto, which is: ‘SEE IT, SAY IT, REPORT IT!’.

On Thursday, after lunch registration, they sat at the horseshoe table with the JOSO box taking any worries from children about online safety or any other relevant questions/ideas they might have for them.

A super start to your new job roles children, well done!

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