Governors' Area

Design and Technology

Please click on the link to view this document in more detail - Design and Technology Curriculum Rationale

DT on a Page






Throughout the year, children in EYFS experience a range of experiences that require them to use different tools, make designs and join materials in different ways.

The children take part in many cooking activities that involve cutting and chopping food such as making soup.

Year 1


Templates and Joining


Make a kite



Design and make a savoury sandwich as a gift for family (Mothers Day)


Levers and Sliders
Creating a sea scene (lifeboat, leaping fish etc)

Year 2

Freestanding Structures

Design a throne for a castle



Make spring rolls for Chinese New Year


Wheels and Axels

Design a Forest Ranger’s buggy.


Year 3


Create a fruit stew recipe (tie in with Forest School)


Shell Structures-

Make a box to hold an Easter/Spring Treat



Computer Aided Designing

Design a Thurlby Sports Arena for the Community

Year 4


2D Shape to 3D product-

Design and make a purse


Levers and Linkages

Design an Easter/Spring card for a relative



Make a Cornish Pasty

Year 5


Mechanical Systems (pulleys or gears) and Control (Crumble)

Design a moving toy

Celebrating Culture and Seasonality-

Prepare and cook a thank you meal


Computer Aided Design and Frame Structures-

Design a Small-scale Bird Hide


Year 6


Combining Fabrics- Textiles

Design a tool belt from an old pillowcase (Make-do-and-mend) for the residential


Electrical Systems- Complex switches and circuits-

Design a personalised torch as a memento of TCPA – work with BGS



Gala dinner – working with Roots to Food to plan, prepare and cook and three course meal for family