Please find below the homework requirements for each year group.
- Daily reading
- Practising of sounds
- Handwriting
Year 1
- Red and green word lists to be sent home – practising to read and spell these words
- Regular Numbots practise
- Daily reading
Year 2
-English homework is sent home on Tuesdays, to be handed in the following Monday
-Regular Numbots practise (4 or 5 times a week). This will be changed to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) from January
-Daily reading
-Reading comprehension work will be sent home from January
Year 3
-English and maths homework is sent home every Friday, to be handed in the following Wednesday.
-Homework will alternate between being in books to being on Purple Mash
-Daily reading
-Regular TTRS practise (4 or 5 times a week)
Year 4
-Maths homework is sent home on a Friday, to be handed in the following Thursday
-English homework is sent home on a Wednesday, to be handed in the following Monday
-Homework will alternate between being in books to being on Purple Mash
-Daily reading
-Regular TTRS practise (4 or 5 times a week)
Year 5
-English and maths homework is sent home every Friday, to be handed in the following Wednesday
-Homework will alternate between being in books to being on Purple Mash
-Daily reading
-Regular TTRS practise (4 or 5 times a week)
Year 6
-English and maths homework is sent home every Friday, to be handed in the following Wednesday
-Homework will alternate each week between being in books and being on Purple Mash
-Daily reading
-Regular TTRS practise (4 or 5 times a week)