Governors' Area

Nursery Provision Survey

Due to the changes, within the local area, in relation to nursery provision and childminder provision, Lincolnshire Local Authority, the Local Governing Board of Thurlby Community Primary Academy and the Trustees of Keystone Academy Trust are consulting with you on the proposal to lower the admissions age of the academy. This will enable us to have a nursery on our school site.

This proposal will ensure a consistent approach to learning for our youngest children and enable us to meet some of the needs of the local community in relation to Early Years educational provision. From research carried out, we believe that families are experiencing significant wait times, as local nurseries are currently full with large waiting lists. We believe that a nursery, based at Thurlby, would help provide families from the village and surrounding areas with the hours they need and having one drop-off point, for some families, would be invaluable.

The Thurlby Community Primary Academy Nursery Proposal –

  • To open a small nursery unit on the Thurlby Community Primary Academy site
  • To lower the age range of Thurlby Academy from 4 to 11 years to 3 to 11 years, to ensure the school meets the needs of local families

We believe that transferring to a school that children are already familiar with, feel secure and happy in, as well as the adults being fully aware of the needs of each child entering our school, can only be beneficial to children and provide them with the best quality start to their primary school years.

The proposed nursery would be a small nursery unit with a maximum capacity of 26 children per session.

What are the next stages in the process?

There are two sections to this survey that we would like your opinion on:

1. Your response to the proposed nursery and the lowering of the school age range from 3 to 11 (from 4 to 11 currently) – You can give your feedback at the beginning of the questionnaire (via Google Forms)

2. A questionnaire (Google Forms) specifically about the nursery provision and if/how it would benefit you.

Responses will be received throughout the survey. Results will then be analysed alongside Lincolnshire Local Authority and we will publish the outcome on the school website.

How can I respond to this survey?

Please complete the Google form