Science Intent Statement
At Thurlby Primary Community Academy, it is our intention to give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires. We intend to build a Science curriculum that results in the acquisition of knowledge and enables children to become enquiry-based learners, through teaching carefully planned progressive concepts and skills. Science learning will develop the natural curiosity of the child; fostering respect and creating a sense of awe and wonder for the world they live in. We intend to ensure that our pupils understand the important role of science in their lives now, in the past and for the future.
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
The Natural World (amongst a broader curriculum) Using our senses, materials, food and farming, seasonal changes; animals and plants; changes of state; forces; life cycles and habitats |
Year 1 |
Seasonal Changes Observations across the four seasons; describe weather to do with seasons.
Everyday Materials Objects are made from different materials. Chemistry
Everyday Materials Identifying different materials and their uses Chemistry
Animals including humans identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and the 5 senses. Biology
Plants Plants & flowers around us; how do they change throughout the year? Biology Animals including Humans The Animal Kingdom: Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores Biology |
Animals Including humans The Animal Kingdom- different types of animals Biology |
Year 2 |
Animals Including humans Animals and humans have basic needs. Offspring grow into adults Biology |
Animals Including humans Diet and exercise Eating healthily, staying clean, how our bodies grow Biology |
Living things and their habitats What animals & plants need from a habitat Biology |
Living Things & Their Habitats food chains Biology |
Plants How seeds and bulbs grow. Biology |
Materials Functions of different materials, changing the shape of objects Chemistry |
Year 3 |
Rocks, Fossils and Soil Types of rock, how they change over time and fossils Biology |
Animals including humans Teeth, skeletons and muscles Biology |
Forces and Magnets How things move on different surfaces; magnetic materials and how magnets work Physics |
Light Light and Shadows Physics |
Plants What different plants need to grow and the different functions of a plant. Biology
Year 4 |
States of Matter Solids, liquids and gases and changing state, The Water Cycle Chemistry |
Animals including humans The Digestive System Biology |
Animals including humans Food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Biology
Living Things & Their Habitats Vertebrates, invertebrates, and their habitats. Effects of humans on the environment. Biology |
Sound How sound travels, changing the pitch and volume Physics |
Electricity Making circuits, resistance, fixing broken circuits Metals being good conductors, Physics
Year 5 |
Electricity – Circuits, switches and voltages Physics |
Earth & Space The Earth’s movement in space: days, years, seasons. Physics |
Properties of Materials Separating mixtures; reversible and non-reversible changes of state. Properties of materials. Chemistry |
Living Things & Their Habitats Reproduction of animals and plants Biology |
Animals including humans Changes as humans get older. Biology |
Year 6 |
Forces Gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction, gears & pulleys Physics |
Light How light travels, reflection and refraction Physics |
Animals including Humans The Circulatory System Impact of diet, exercise and drugs Biology |
Evolution & Inheritance Change over time; adaptation and environments Biology |
Living Things & Their Habitats Vertebrates, Invertebrates & Micro-organisms Biology |